Legal notice

Information according to §5 TMG, §27a Value Added Tax Act:

Uwe Artz & Iliuta-Dragos Rogojinaru GbR

Business Name: Carfix-cleaning GbR

Owners: Uwe Artz & Iliuta-Dragos Rogojinaru

VAT-ID: 77071/08649

Grimmastraße 26

88250 Weingarten

Phone: 0151 56859557

Responsible for content according to §55 RStV: Uwe Artz & Iliuta-Dragos Rogojinaru. The content, as well as parts of images, are protected in favor of the vehicle preparation CarFix-Cleaning GbR. The author of the website assumes no liability for the topicality, correctness, quality and completeness. Liability claims against the author, which refer to material or immaterial damages caused by the use or disuse of the information provided or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are fundamentally excluded. All information and promotions are subject to availability. The promotional period can be found in the promotion. The owner reserves the right to end or extend the advertised promotion without prior notice. The author of the website endeavors to observe all copyright regulations. Images and videos are either property of the vehicle preparation CarFix-Cleaning or are licensed. All images and videos may not be reproduced or used for profit. All trademarks or brands appearing in images or videos are the property of their respective companies. The author is exempt from liability. Should texts or legal excerpts not comply with the current standard or only partially comply, the other contents remain unaffected and are valid to the fullest extent.